Band Joes To Protect Your Paperback Book Bindings
"I found that they work great to protect the binding on paperback books. The glue in the binding is always coming loose as you constantly bend the pages while reading...
Perfectly Preppy Esty Shop Putting Band Joes To Great Use!
“I have an Etsy shop called “Perfectly Preppy” and I invented a bag for your water bottle to hold little things like ur keys, credit card, cash, etc. called the...
Using Band Joes With Plaster Molds
"Banding plaster molds. They work so much better than standard bands, and easier to use than strap bands. The bands are great for any ceramic artist working in molds." -...
New product: 3.25in x 0.75in Band Joes
We have added a new band to our growing Band Joes collection. The 3.25 x 0.75 in Band Joes are now available for purchase in 5 and 10 packs.
Everything About Band Joes - Silicone Bands
Band Joes are made from food-grade silicone and can withstand freezing temperatures, endure heat up to 600F, resist deterioration from ultraviolet rays or chemicals, maintain extreme elasticity, and they are...
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