
Learn all the different ways people use Grifiti products.

Band Joes Silicone Bands to Help Leg Cramps?

"I use one or two 6" x .75" Grifiti Bands to prevent cramping on my lower legs. I always have them in my car to put on for long drives."...

Using Band Joes Silicone Bands for Service Dog Training

"I’m training my dog, Cherry to be my service dog. Picking up the dog bowls was a goal. Sadly, metal bowls are not fun. I searched high and low for...

Band Joes Silicone Bands to Help Mark Microphones Onstage

"That’s a Shure microphone. I use the different colors to identify whose  mic it is." - Michael from The Phunky Monkeys

Using Band Joes Silicone Bands on Picnic Tables/Camping Kit

"We use them to hold our camping picnic table cover on instead of using annoying metal clips." - Maggie A.

Bicycle Water Bottle Extra Support

"Gravel bikes have no suspension.  Water Bottle can (and do) bounce out of their cage when rough terrain is encountered. Lost bottles interrupt rides and are often not noticed, until you...

Band Joes Silicone Bands On A Motorcycle

"I use mine to highlight things on my motorcycle." - Ron N.

Band Joes To Protect Your Paperback Book Bindings

"I found that they work great to protect the binding on paperback books. The glue in the binding is always coming loose as you constantly bend the pages while reading...

Perfectly Preppy Esty Shop Putting Band Joes To Great Use!

“I have an Etsy shop called “Perfectly Preppy” and I invented a bag for your water bottle to hold little things like ur keys, credit card, cash, etc. called the...

17-24 of 29 articles